The sound is generated, with some frequency at the rate of fluctuation. Space in which the sound is applied – so called Sound sounds. Sounds of musical instruments are generated by the velocity of the tired strings (violin, guitar, piano), or during the wounded skin (doli). The sound of the human voice is arranged in the air, in the flow of air in the furrows of the wind. The sounds of this sound are spread in the air and are in our ears.
Key Features of Sound:
1 Intensity (measured in dBBs)
2. Frequency of fluency (measured in 1 Hz in Hers)
3. Range
4. Duration
5. Phase
Intensity of sounds – the characteristic effect of the sound. Measured in the decibels. The conditional size, which marks the sound level and the depiction of the logarithmic scale.
People with hearing impairments may notice changes in the perception of the sound height. Sounds feel more vibrant. Patients who have been discharged into the receptors of the shell are expected to have a phenomenon of increased acceleration. In addition, along with increasing the intensity of the volume, the height increases faster than the norm.
Frequency of the sounds – is 1 Hz, it corresponds to 1 fluid change in 1 sec. The subjective sign of the sound frequency is its height. The more frequency of the sound (the greater the number of changes in seconds per second), the higher the perception of the person.
Voice range – the sound properties that describe which frequencies are generated during the given signal and what is the intensity of their intensity.
The man chooses the instrument and the voice of the people to be remembered by their timbers and vowels.
The second group of sound signals – noise. It is the unity of disorder voices. Noise spectrum – independently, with a decent digital dependence, characterized by harmonic signals – musical sounds, shouting, bird sounds, etc.
The noise includes the following sounds: kakuni, guguni, shalali, cough, water noise, voices, and so forth. The vast majority of the consonant sounds are attributed to the noise signals of this criterion.
The sound signals in nature can be divided into several groups: speech, musical sounds, noise (different environmental sounds, nature sounds, industrial and transport sounds).
Normal speaking speech is 50-60 DB, although it may vary from 40 DB (silent but not whispering) 70 dB (speech or speaker speech). Intensity of speech is determined by the volume of the resonant cavity (primarily oral cavity) of the system and speaking of the breathing force.
Speech speech includes 70 to 8000 Hz frequencies. In addition, the main part of the speech sounds is between 100 and 6000 Hz, and the basic strength of speech speech comes with 1000 Hz frequencies.